
Travel to the USA without setbacks

If I made a mistake in an eligibility question or important error and my ESTA visa was denied, can I reapply with the correct information?

Once an ESTA visa has been denied due to an error in the data or a eligibility question, re-filing the ESTA visa with the corrected error will not result in approval. In these cases, we should immediately go to the US Embassy and make them aware of the mistake we have made. We may be able to fix it, but we will probably have to forget about the ESTA visa and apply for a B-2 tourist visa.

There are websites that explain tricks for these cases: such as applying for a new passport and re-filing the ESTA visa with the new passport. We do not recommend these actions at all, so as not to turn a simple human error that can be explained at the Embassy into a lifelong mark that may prevent us from visiting the United States.
