Insurance and Medical Treatment
In this topic, we will not advise you to take out insurance. We directly tell you that when you go to travel to the USA, you must take out health insurance. You must go to the USA with health insurance, period.

No matter how minor the medical incident that may occur, it will result in absolutely exorbitant medical expenses.
The difference between a travel insurance policy and the medical bill, for a minor incident, from a North American hospital can easily go to 2000€. Don’t take the risk!
Medical and dental assistance can be very expensive and is essential to cover part of the expenses caused by an unexpected hospital visit. If you are taking medication, it is advisable to bring prescriptions. A good insurance policy also covers the reimbursement of lost or damaged items. Many policies reimburse the costs in case of trip cancellation or modification.
In case of emergencies, the 911 telephone number provides fire, police, or medical assistance services. The call is free from any telephone booth. Major highways and interstates have emergency telephones. Medical services can be reached through the local emergency room or by calling 911. It is important to have the necessary insurance and identification documents with you at all times.